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EURASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY (ex Bulletin of the Karaganda university Chemistry series). Special issue 2023

EURASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY (ex Bulletin of the Karaganda university Chemistry series)

 (p-ISSN 2518-718X, e-ISSN 2663-4872, Web of Science, Scopus)


Special Issue ǀ   No. 3(111)/2023



Dear Authors,


We are pleased to announce a new Special Issue No.3(111)/2023 entitled "Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Nanotechnologies of Materials", dedicated to the anniversaries of our colleagues working in this field:

  • 90th anniversary of Professor Muldakhmetov Z.M. (Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Organic Synthesis and Coal Chemistry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kazakhstan),
  • 80th anniversary of Professor Minaev B.F. (Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine),
  • 70th anniversary of Professor Beznosyuk S.A. (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia).


Dr. Ågren Hans S. (Doctor of Physical Sciences, Professor, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden), Dr. Valiev Rashid R. (Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland) and Dr. Irgibaeva Irina S. (Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor,  L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan) are serving as Guest Editors for this Special Issue.

The planned release date for Special Issue No.3(111)/2023 is September 30, 2023.

The submission deadline is 01 June 2023. The manuscript can be submitted using the Online Article Submission System https://vestnik.ksu.kz/user  or by e-mail chemistry.vestnik@ksu.kz.  Please, mark the manuscript «For Special Issue».

Rules for authors and requirements for the manuscripts are posted on the journal's website: https://chemistry-vestnik.ksu.kz/regulations.



Kind regards,


Editorial Board

Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Chemistry Series

E-mail: chemistry.vestnik@ksu.kz

Journal website: https://chemistry-vestnik.ksu.kz/

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